Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There is much work to be done.......

....but none of us can do even the easiest one. Let us just hand it all over to our Loving Almighty God.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Blame the Warlords- The answer For Justice & Peace inMaguindanao Massacre?

Who could ever forget the tragedy brought by the heavy tropical storms Ondoy and Pepeng that took many lives and many properties here in the Philippines. We all know that the people who are sitting on the top are the ones who are responsible for these tragedies. The caused of many floods, damages and deaths are of the governments' concern. People utter that the appointed ones should lead and take charge of the needs of their people. Although people have not recovered yet by these horrible disasters, another horrifying event happened- the massacre in the Maguinadanao province. Again, people blame the governments for this. One controversial reason has been greatly issued by masses. The controversial theft of the vote way back in the 2004 election.

*the killings of political activists.

*culture that rewards deviltry and punishes decency, which is the culture that underlies the culture of impunity itself.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I will be honest on writing this blog about the talk made by Pastor Boy. At first, I remember one of the speaker of the students who talked about our national song. He mentioned something on the lyric 'ang mamatay ng dahil sayo'. I really did not get what he wants to say, but for my opinion no one should die just to prove that he has shown love for his country. I mean death is not consider a proof for one's loyalty and patriotism. He could have shown his patriotism by his works, by what he has done for his own country.... Moving on, about Pastor Boy's talk, I really did not understand all of the things he has said, but what I can remember that I understand is that the government exercising corruption. Well basically there's nothing new about it. It has always been the issue on the government. Another thing that I can remember is that something about the residents in Mindanao. I can no longer discuss about this anymore because I did not understand a thing about it. To sum up, for me, the talk has enlighten me though I did not understand the whole thing that Pastor Boy has said, I'm quite confident about my idea. Everyone should not practice selfishness. I mean we all should not be self-centered. We should not think of ourselves but of the others instead. We were created by God to be His stewards, meaning were all equal in the eyes of God. He asks us to be in charge of His earth, and be in charge of one another. So the key to the right life is to live not for yourself but for your brothers and sisters. Another thing that he mentioned was about our country being ruled by those powerful countries. Because of that, we Filipinos can not exercise our freedom anymore because of those countries ruling us. With this, what comes in my mind is that why do people always want to have the highest sovereignty. I mean what can they get from it, when God is the only powerful one. The one who has the unreachable sovereignty. They only make our world worst. Wars. Crimes. And all that. So yeah, I firmly believe that humans are responsible for the worst things that happened in our nation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I dream to be....

I dream to be a leading actress. Ever since I was a sprog, acting has always been part of me. Every time I watch the shows on television, I always see myself as the leading actress who has an outstanding role. We all know that a dream is essential because a dream itself won't accomplish anything but wasting your time and making you wish for something that doesn't exist. But when I read about the best selling book of Napoleon Hill where he wrote that man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true, I was enlightened about it and I realized that achieving ones dream is just to put an effort and focus on your dream. And a little help from others will do help to make you accomplish your dream even better. One must not also forget that she must have faith in herself and never to forget to believe in her own potentials. So I believe that my dream to be an actress will definitely come true sooner or later.

My Passion. (:

As a student, I do have lots of passions in my life. But there are only two passions in my life that I'm really deeply, deadly in love about. One of it is the cars. Well basically, I really have no ideas about cars like its parts, makes, brands, and what so ever. I just love staring at those radiant cars and riding on it. Well maybe I was also influenced by the three constant guys in my life which is my dad and my two elder brothers. Lastly, my greatest passion in my life is acting. Ever since I was a sprog, I always stare at the mirror and act like what I have seen in the movies on the television. I do many roles like being the leading actress or the villain one. I can weep easily. I can also laugh that much and all that. My passions are totally common but what makes it unique is how I deliver it inimitably on my own. And oh, I almost forgot, there's this one important passion that I would like to share. My passion to give help to those who are in needs. To share the blessings that I received from God. Because I believe that we should all live equally, fairly and happily. You know, all people should eat at least three times a day. God has given us heart and mind for us to use it on the right and good way. To make this simple, we should all love one another and think not of ourselves but of the others.

CARP- What is it?

Basically, CARP stands for Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. CARP is the leading government program to distribute lands to the farmers and to uphold social justice. Their aim is to simply acquire and private lands to landless farmers within 20 years, to provide support to beneficiaries, and to give just compensation to affected private lands. This issue affects my life in a way that it catches my feelings and my thoughts. When you watch the documentary movie about CARP, you will definitely feel much forlorn to the farmers and feel much angry to the government. You will see there how the farmers work so hard and how they suffer just to get the land. Speaking of the land, it will involve the crisis on the rice. As part of this country, I also wanted to have and to live in a well-governed country. If this dilemma will be solved, this country might achieve its goal of food self-sufficiency and effectively resolve its rice crisis.

As an ordinary student, I can help in resolving this dilemma in many ways. First, I can write to our congress and urge them to support and pass CARPER through emails, cellphones, or letters. I can also make a blog, and write about CARPER. I can also do lend my talents like sharing photos, videos, or songs about CARPER. There are lots of ways to make my self useful and help. But what I know that will probably work is the most important thing to do always that is to pray for them. I know that that would be the best thing to do, because we all know that no one can do better than God.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Altering digital photographs - art or fraud?

Altering digital photographs for an art or for fraud. For me, altering or changing a digital photograph is not certainly considered a fraud. Altering digital photographs nowadays is just a great way of recycling pictures that didn't turn out well. Some cameras really have an awful capture that is why some photographers make use of editing or what we called altering digital photographs. Not only that. In some cases, when the person or client has a bad look well let us say that he have blemishes or marks on his face or he is not photogenic and he wants to look good on a photo, so he will ask the photographer to edit his photo for a good upshot. That is why altering digital photos should not be considered a fraud because it also has a good purpose for everybody.

Altering digital photos is considered a fraud when it is used for crime such as forgery or as a counterfeit for unjust gain or advantage. Photographic forgery is the creation of photographs that are intended to convey a misleading impression either of their own provenance or of what they depict. Proving that a particular photograph is fraudulent can be difficult and sometimes impossible. But still, in some cases they are also caught too when some experts check the photos if there has been an editing made. And this kind of usage makes the altering or changing of digital photographs a fraud. Again, something is considered bad base on how you do it. So what we should be all aware of is that always analyze situation, think carefully and make the right decision. So that's it. I hope you guys learned something from my blog about altering digital photographs.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Internet & its History

If you are to ask me about the well-known internet nowadays, what I know about it is that it involves communications network. There are lots of brief histories about the internet. From the definition to the usage. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. The term the Internet, when referring to the Internet has traditionally been treated as a proper noun and written with an initial capital letter. There is a trend to regard it as a generic term or common noun and thus write it as "the internet", without the capital.

Nowadays, internet has many usages. One of which is the use of e-mails. The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Even today it can be important to distinguish between Internet and internal e-mail systems. Internet e-mail may travel and be stored unencrypted on many other networks and machines out of both the sender's and the recipient's control. Today you can send pictures and attach files on e-mail. Most e-mail servers today also feature the ability to send e-mail to multiple e-mail addresses. Another usage is the so-called www or World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a huge set of interlinked documents, images and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. These hyperlinks and URLs allow the web servers and other machines that store originals, and cached copies of, these resources to deliver them as required using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is only one of the communication protocols used on the Internet. Lastly is the remote access. The Internet allows computer users to connect to other computers and information stores easily, wherever they may be across the world. They may do this with or without the use of security, authentication and encryption technologies, depending on the requirements.

As it speeds into the future, there would be a great impact in our society nowadays. I think it would create implications in our society. Internet is part of the technology which has always been the main determinant of economic superiority. Internet had now made it possible to reach into the secrets of technology through a global network. Before, researchers go to the huge libraries with hundreds, or thousands rather of books to research. But now, whole encyclopedias and even the books in the libraries are now available on the Internet. Slowly, all forms of human knowledge will be only a mouse-click away. Any individual, organization or country having the resources can adopt the knowledge for social use. Though it will take quite sometime for all developing nations to reach the technology levels of developed ones, Internet will surely speed up the process of leveling up. Eventually, the whole human race will enjoy the benefits of all technologies available in the world. And it is such an advantage for us these days. But if you would scrutinize it very well, human race, specially the kids, would be more dependent on the internet rather than to use their own knowledge. So people should also be aware of it.

Asking how the Internet works is not the same as asking how the world wide web works. Well, Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same, although they are often used as synonyms. While the Internet is an infrastructure providing interconnectivity between network computers, the web is one of the services of the Internet. It is a collection of documents that can be shared across Internet-enabled computers.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is computer gaming more bad than good?

Nowadays, the most popular computer games were spread all over the country and now available everywhere even in a mini stores. An example of these most popular games is the game Grand Theft Auto. In this game, the players advance through the mafia by conveying secret packages, following alleged snitches, and planting car bombs. When it was released on public, shoppers bought millions of copies of it. Due to its vivid graphics, edgy character, and wide range of allowable behaviors, the purchasers praise the game. Recently, the game was found to contain adult content accessible by using special code. Some parents and politicians condemn the game's explicit violence and the rewards it gives the player upon participating illegal acts. They fear that games like this could lead their children to anti social or criminal behaviors. And this kind of game makes computer gaming a total vicious. Another example of these games is the Learning and Puzzle on line game. This kind of game is really a well-playing game and it is very appropriate for kids. It is very useful in a way that the players are not only entertained but they also do learn from playing it. That is why many parents and guardians promote these kinds of games because of its well enough benefits for their children. And this kind of game makes computer gaming a total virtue.

Well for me, I see computer games alright as long as the players should carefully choose what games are to be played and not to be played. Well basically it is only a common sense. Computer gaming is considered bad when the person is using the violent type of game and on the other hand, computer gaming is considered good when the person is using the non-violent type of game. So what we should all do now is to simply think first before we act.

Who is Responsible for Identity Theft?

Basically, what I really know about the identity theft is that it's a crime wherein you pretend to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. Identity theft has different types. One is business identity theft. It is where you use the identity to obtain credits. Another is criminal identity theft wherein you pose as another when apprehended for a crime. Another is the financial identity theft wherein you use the identity in order to get goods and services. Last is the medical identity theft. It is where you use other identity for information to obtain medical care or drugs. Identity theft has a lot more usage to facilitate crimes including terrorism, illegal immigration, and etc. But who's to blame for identity theft? Obviously, those who want to get credits from your account, who want to use your identity to get goods and a lot more.

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who do these actions, and obviously, one of us may be a victim too. But now, there are ways to prevent this crime. One is to secure your business premises with locks and alarms. It is very effective deterrents to criminals thinking of breaking into your business. Another is to shred. Anything in your mail that has your name and address on should be shredded. Lastly, avoid broadcasting information. This sort of cavalier sharing of personal information, which makes identity theft so easy, has to stop. So that's it, identity theft is one of the crimes existing in our world which has many preventions. So just be aware of it.