Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There is much work to be done.......

....but none of us can do even the easiest one. Let us just hand it all over to our Loving Almighty God.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Blame the Warlords- The answer For Justice & Peace inMaguindanao Massacre?

Who could ever forget the tragedy brought by the heavy tropical storms Ondoy and Pepeng that took many lives and many properties here in the Philippines. We all know that the people who are sitting on the top are the ones who are responsible for these tragedies. The caused of many floods, damages and deaths are of the governments' concern. People utter that the appointed ones should lead and take charge of the needs of their people. Although people have not recovered yet by these horrible disasters, another horrifying event happened- the massacre in the Maguinadanao province. Again, people blame the governments for this. One controversial reason has been greatly issued by masses. The controversial theft of the vote way back in the 2004 election.

*the killings of political activists.

*culture that rewards deviltry and punishes decency, which is the culture that underlies the culture of impunity itself.